POC point of capture filtration
The Point of Capture is where pre-filtering begins for separating physical pollutants such as sediment and debris from the stormwater flow. The STORM_save devices do not retain gross pollutants so they are always ready and clean for maximum performance in the next storm event. To increase stormwater volume performance, additional STORM_save low cost devices can be applied in the MDCM network usually at the top of the catchment where the rail falls.
The most effective seperation of all the gross pollutants carried in the stormwater flow including the finer TSS and in-solution contaminates can be seperated though a first flush STORM_save2 device. Reasearch has shown that up to 50% of the contaminate load of soluable contaminates and any heavy metal residue can be seperated out with a first flush device in the installation.
For any of the STORM_save devices, nominally up to 2/3 of the rainwater flow received by the pre-filtering can potentially be saved into storage or returned to the environment that represents a significant contaminate reduction in the majority of the stormwater flows that cannot be achieved as economically without using a pre-filter device that can be further optimised using the first flush option. However the condition of the catchment and the contaminate type and loading will determine the STORM_save device that best suites the application and whether further finer filtration is required before storage or environmental release.
The residual 1/3 of the stormwater flow from the pre-filter that removes the seperated gross pollutants travels in the existing waste drainage and into a GPT or finer filter device for gross pollutant trapping and removal from the treatment train for land based disposal or potential reuse.
The inherent value of the STORM_save devices is also the means to reduce the volume of stormwater flows particularly intense rainstorm events, in either of the treatment train flow paths, making treatment systems smaller, more economical and greater contaminate reduction potential for healthy waterways.
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