Climate Variation Response

What response!  Climate Change? (sorry but a slight diversion from the Internet of Things (IoT)

Is it over population, too much energy needed for economies to grow otherwise is it too many cows with untrapped methane or the quantium / handling of waste generally, including contamination of valuable resources like water air and soils nature provides?  Sure we are loosing too many trees and dumping too much palstic into the ocean that is the nature of our consumer behavious and cost benefits.  We might think in a general sense that is the scale of things, that we don't actually know about with a degree of quantative and qualitative data.

On the macro level NASA has so many beautiful, stunning and massively distant images of the universe showing us in awe what we earthlings are as such a small part of.  It also tells us that there are lots of stars and galaxies that form, breakup, collide and evaporate, such that for all we know there are no human like distuptors to nature on those galaxies and for all we know that Nature extends out to !!!

So in a thinking persons view in contrast to the alarmist based young activists who don't realise where we have come from or what humans might be able to do about Nature that is perhaps reflected in climate variations that have been cycling around earth for milions of years, so what response will balance our existance on Planet Earth and have we got enough science knowledge, technical capacity or means to alter economies?  Principally, Nature who provides the core resources and processes that sustain our existance on Planet Earth has to be supported much more intensively from what we take for granted from Nature and its biodiversity that largely sustains us without costs.

Data and analytics might be the present means to respond to climate variations from a perspective of having the data to view what is happening so solutions can be created.  Particularly the machine learnt analytics that is greater than any individual can juggle and predict with more certainty, clarity and long view.  Numbers don't lie, so Industry 4.0 is that logical leap in cabability we need to help resolve our natural resource sustainability aligned with the essential economic model of our existance for a short time while we on this planet.

# a leader is a calculated perfromer not a screamer !

Australia had substantive fires mostly created by dry lightening as a phenomina of natures capable response that was followed within days of torrential rains. Humans were incapable of overcoming the will of nature and those fires may have taken away some human capital and culled natures flora and fauna particularly that can reach plague levels that media and activists became alarmist over but rain gave convertable benefits.  So Is rain a climate change disaster that the activists cringe about?    No . . . because it can be clearly seen that it is nature and its process of regeneration and nurturing for regrowth that is overlooked for expediency.

The response to the notion of climate change regarding bush fires is we must clear and maintain the undergrowth level particularly in uncontained national parks and dense forests that is the food source for fauna overpopulations and equally fuel for fires when nature deems it needs to act.  We can also fertilise and hydrate the soils so nature does not need to step in and undertake.  Nature has so many processes and pathways with infinate capability that always provides a perfect solution that humans can only dream about and replicate one step at a time.  That all makes sense !


OneSense has capacity to learn and record some issues of climate impact from human endeavours and naturaly occuring phenomona.  One Sense may be able to contribute to available evaluations of generally local aspects of climate effects that then allows a response with further evaluations of a broader impact matched with the effectiveness of whatever response is available or impacting.

OneSense envisions a collaboration effort that assists in a change in behaviours and aggregrating positive change.  At least that is the aim as a starting point for anyone to make whatever contribution they can as part of the necesary responses that must be undertaken to support of nature and its natural cycles.  Nature like anything else must be nurtured and feed with the highest quality environmental protections and principally for water, air, soils and its ecology with the joint use with your contributions.  Email to and let OneSense know how you believe your collaborative contribution can be collectively applied on good scientific basis review, a community consensus, some business resource involvement and regulatory facilitation.  We will see where we can collectively get to and what we can achieve for sustainability!

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