
A platform is at the core of the collection and availability of data where raw data is transformed into a usable functional resource of information.

If we think about an IoT platform, the natural progression of thinking goes to a Cloud or localised storage media usually a database, but a device might also just share a portion of its data with another nearby or similarly operating device in a network of devices that function in a coordinated way. 

Storage as a part of the platform also needs more than loading fields and retaining that data that keeps pouring in;  there is security in receiving the data from the source, suitable communication connections that can provide another less secure layer or is the whole of the security in the system, a special configuration to access and allow the receipt of the collection of data.  Once in the storage there is a need to be able ot see that data in a format that brings meaning like a location, a time sequence, a relationship with other data as the system complexity grows where data is often best represented in charts and graphs. 

In some ways the platform has the position of being the centre of the wheel connected to a perifery of the network of interconnected devices.  In other ways the platform can still do much of what was described but work in a local network of similar devices meshed and managing their operation between those standalone devices , which is becoming increasingly common with cost and other advantages.

OneSense platform is the mechanics of making your IoT network into a system of data aquisition, communicated from any source or location where the data becomes meaningfuly related to any other data stream.  It is common to be programmed to perform rules based responses usually autonomous and designed for control, leading to repeatable and refined fuinctions. 

Any designed network is often configured to a program and autonomous role that closely mimicks the procedural intelligence in support of human actions in what is described as artificial intelligence.

A platform can be applied to any role and from anywhere communication can reach.  OneSense with the avail;able communication access available though OneSense including satellite is cheaper than previously considered.  It makes sense to commence your IoT platform development sooner ratgher than later where OneSense can be your partner to help you develop.  Connect here


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