Build with OneSense

enterprise level secure device data

enterprise level secure device data

OneSense is busy building and extending our connectable devices, our value-added on-board functions, our reach and powering into remote location to connect devices for sensoring, real-time viewing, active control for optimisation and risk averse always-on overview of your assets.  The OneSense connections in conveniently configured setups is designed with innovative pathways to ease your enterprise level transition to IR 4.0 and beyond.

Your subscription to OneSense is your new partner platform in business and your new modern enterprise in IR 4.0!

OneSense data is derived from your monitored assets at critical control points in your network. These critical control points with smart devices applied for sensing, logging and transmission is real-time data sourcing for the holiostic view of your total network assets for active analytics and control programs.  Your new data from network assets form the core of the IR 4.0 evolution however you you build-out and build-up with for example standards evaluation, care of essential commodities, handling and transport verification, tracking and meeting scheduling efficiencies for logged performance, prescribed secure alert for events and optimising resource utilisations.  The otherwise unlimited capabilities of your essential assets is developed with creative and innovative application in Industrial Agent (IA) or Artificial Intelligence (AI).

In a common understanding of AI Wikipedia helps us here - "Computer science defines AI research as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals.  A more elaborate definition characterizes AI as “a system’s ability to correctly interpret external data, to learn from such data, and to use those learnings to achieve specific goals and tasks through flexible adaptation.” 

OneSense has the capacity to help transform human and economic endeavours using machine intelligence to drive improved outcomes around ML and AI for process and channel application including transformation and utilisation, conservation of resources, demand balancing and assuring goods and services driving competitive advantages in industries and nations.

Some initial OneSense application examples are in evaluating models for groundwater and surface water behaviour and conditions in the water cycle that we need to see in real time to improve water quality outcomes for environmental flows and harvesting for local water resources. OneSense is innovating critical control analysis in primary production for cold store supply chain and logistics extending to last mile delivery initative with a validation chain for customer service options, regulatory compliance and safety of food and medical supplies.  OneSense is delving into building services for asset knowledge, matched operator and safety issues and overall engineered and resource optimisation and validations.

The OneSense application potential is only limited by your outlook, creativity and innovation for whatever you need or want for your OneSense subscription.  Have a go and come onboard to move your enterprise and capability forward; there are supportive resources to learn and trial to start your new partnership with IR4.0 and OneSense


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